Theories and Techniques of Oral Implantology (vol.1) (published 1970)   Dr. Leonard I. Linkow

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170 Theories and techniques of oral implantology

Fig. 5-70. A blade may be shaped to fit a particular site. Any of several models may be laid over an x-ray, and the most suitable one cut down to exactly coincide with the site. A, Here, the curve of the base of the implant in the molar regions follows the floor of the sinus. B, Shallow blades must not only conform to the shape and curvature of the superior wall of the mandibular canal but must also conform to the curvature of the alveolar crest.

Fig. 5-71. Clinical view of a long implant with two abutment posts. The implant may be bent to follow the curvature of the jaw without reducing its strength or stability.

1 Base of endosseous blade vent implant follows floor of maxillary sinus
2 Shallow lower endosseous blade implants follow curve of alveolar crest

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