Theories and Techniques of Oral Implantology (vol.1) (published 1970)   Dr. Leonard I. Linkow

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180 Theories and techniques of oral implantology

Fig. 5-87. Bodine's subperiosteal single-tooth butterfly implant for a fixed crown between two natural teeth. (From Kotch, R. L., and Bodine, R. L., Jr.: Experimental subperiosteal dental implants [extract], U. S. Armed Forces Med. J., Vol. 4, No. 3, March, 1953.)

dine, Jr. His implant, called the butterfly implant, was a type of meshwork or latticed implant (Fig. 5-87). The implant consisted of a solid band bearing an abutment post. The flanks of the band were extended as lattices, through which the soft tissues could grow and adhere the implant to bone. Because the implant could not be rotated, it was usually not necessary to splint a single-unit prosthesis to natural prepared abutment teeth (Fig. 5-88).

One of the major problems with Bodine's butter-fly, and others like it, was when to use it. A subperiosteal implant cannot be used over a good amount of alveolar bone, which is often found between existing natural teeth (Fig. 5-89). In such situations, an endosseous implant is far superior, for reasons already enumerated several times. Bodine's butterfly implant tends to place a good deal of weight on the crest of the bone, although some of it is diverted by the band and its latticed sides.

Fig. 5-88. The abutment posts in clinical views of Bodine's butterfly implant. A, The posts protrude through nicely healed gums. B, The single-unit restorations in place, unsupported by bridging the teeth. (From Kotch, R. L., and Bodine, R. L., Jr.: Experimental subperiosteal dental implants [extract], U. S. Armed Forces Med. J., Vol. 4, No. 3, March, 1953.)

1 Bodine`s subperiosteal single-tooth butterfly implant over mandible
2 Clinical view of Bodine`s upper and lower subperiosteal implant posts
3 Bodine subperiosteal implant prosthesis bridge on maxilla and mandible

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