Theories and Techniques of Oral Implantology (vol.1) (published 1970)   Dr. Leonard I. Linkow

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196 Theories and techniques of oral implantology

mandibular nerve. Assuming that no periodontal conditions exist prior to its extraction, the tooth is suitable for reimplantation.

When reimplanting a tooth, these guidelines are recommended. The tooth must be carefully removed, preserving the cernentum as an attachment site for connective tissue fibers and avoiding damage to the cribriform plate. Upon removal the tooth must be kept in a moist environment until it is reimplanted. It can be stored in a physiologic saline solution between 25° to 37° C. or wrapped in moist gauze if reimplantation is imminent.

Because the implant socket will become edematous and filled with blood during healing and be-cause subjecting the tooth to normal occlusal stresses will irritate the healing site, it is suggested that the tooth be shortened. One-sixth to one-fifth of the apical portion of the root should be removed and the

Fig. 5-113. A candidate for tooth reimplantation—an extracted tooth with a granuloma still attached.

Fig. 5-114. Gutta-percha was sealed in the widened canal.

Fig. 5-115. The tooth was restored to its natural contour by brushing on a resin material.

Fig. 5-116. Reimplanting the prepared tooth.

1 Lower tooth with granuloma extracted for reimplantation at same site
2 Gutta-percha was sealed in canal of lower tooth before reimplantation
3 Resin material restores contour of lower tooth before reimplantation
4 Tooth reimplanted in prepared site in mandible

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