Theories and Techniques of Oral Implantology (vol.2) (published 1970)   Dr. Leonard I. Linkow

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Theories and techniques of
oral implantology


Leonard I. Linkow, B.S., D.D.S., F.A.G.D.

Attending Associate Chief of Oral Implantology, Jewish Memorial Hospital, New York, N. Y.; Chief of Implantology, Haifa Center for Continuing Dental Education, Haifa, Israel; Consultant, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel; Visiting Lecturer, Brookdale Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Lariboisiere Hospital, Paris; Royal Society of Medicine, London; Postgraduate Instructor and Clinician, Institute for Graduate Dentists, New York, N. Y.; University of Detroit, Detroit, Mich.; Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dentistry, Buffalo, N. Y.; Loyola University School of Dentistry, Maywood, Ill.; Visiting Faculty, Temple University School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pa.; Oregon University School of Dentistry, Portland, Ore.; Guest Lecturer on Implantology, University of Maryland, College Park, Md.; Tufts University, Boston, Mass.; Ohio State University School of Dentistry, Columbus, Ohio

Raphael Chercheve, STOMATOLOGIST

Paris, France

Edited and illustrated by

Maureen Jones

With 2,234 illustrations

Dr. Leonard Linkow was born in Brooklyn, New York on February 25, 1926. He placed his first dental implant in 1952, four months after he graduated from dental school. By 1992, Dr. Linkow had placed over 19,000 dental implants and stopped counting. He retired from private practice in 2002 leaving a body of work that included 12 books and 36 patents. Many implant dentists around the world refer to Dr. Leonard Linkow as the grandfather of modern implant dentistry.

Understanding implant dentistry today requires an historical perspective. One may discover that some innovations today are really 30 years old.
--Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman, May 17, 2004

The C. V Mosby Company

Saint Louis 1970

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